Across 110th St.

Posted in Films with tags , , on February 18, 2012 by metalcharlie

Across 110th St (1972)

…is too good to review here. Watch it and get emotional. Plus three days a week I ride across 110th St, so my life must be just like this movie!

Street Thunder Training.

Posted in Uncategorized on September 30, 2011 by nickmakanna

For proper training technique, please watch this entire video.

“Klunking is muddy in the winter… and it’s dusty in the summer!”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on July 27, 2011 by metalcharlie

Aces High.

Dudes are smashing! I love how people are down to wear elbow pads and such but no-one’s interested in a helmet. Great commentary by “the Fish”

Gathering of the Elders

Posted in Uncategorized on July 8, 2011 by metalcharlie

I have to hope that Lemmy and Ice T got a chance to kick it while filming this video. The real question is, what did they talk about?


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on June 22, 2011 by deyelawn

Bird Castle

Posted in Films on June 17, 2011 by metalcharlie

Fast Sofa (2001)

I watched this movie last night, and even though it wasn’t particularly amazing I still feel compelled to write a review. I think in this case it is best done through single-object phrases. And thus: Gary Busey’s Son. Cocaine. Pornstar. Crispin Glover. Incest. Exploding Cars. Bowling. Bird Castle. Red-Tailed Hawk. Palm Springs. San Bernadino. Panhandling. Split-Screen. Crispin Glover. Crossbow. Sunglasses. Freedom.

Available for free here

This is what you get

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 2, 2011 by metalcharlie

Hardware (1990)
I found this in a thrift store in Ft Greene and changed the price tag so I could get it for a dollar. (Street Thunder never pays more than a dollar for any VHS. Now you know.) We watched it at Andrew’s house, and not expecting much more than a cheap Terminator rip-off we were mightily impressed. Though the concept obviously bites a lot from Terminator, this film goes to new levels in many ways–mostly in “looking like a 90s industrial music video” kind of ways. But seriously, this shit is dope. I’m not gonna say much more about it, other than it features Lemmy as an aquatic taxi-driver and Carl McCoy as a post-apocalyptic scrap metal collector (only in the future these are called “Zone Walkers” or something). All members of street thunder, get on this.


Posted in Scholarship on April 19, 2011 by metalcharlie

As scholars, we rarely take material from other sources. This is grabbed from the wzrds gang though, because they are a source well-respected among the scholarly community and because, being filmed in Portland, this must be spread around. Those Street Thunderites still in Portland should probably head down to old town and light up da spliff wif dees rastas:

We Like to Make People’s Ears Bleed

Posted in Films on April 6, 2011 by metalcharlie

Dr Alien (1989)
Andrew’s roommate Sam picked this one up somewhere mysterious, and it sent our minds to somewhere equally mysterious. This movie is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Street Thunder, and for Street Thunder! This geeky kid is chillin in (probably community) college trying to be an accountant or some shit, and then his biology teacher gets run off the road by aliens who actually turn out to be a babe that takes over teaching the class. She doesn’t do much teaching though, she does more wearing-of-frilly-undergarments and experimenting on Wesley by attaching a cutty alien dick to the top of his head and boning him over and over and over and over again. And then all of a sudden all girls want dat Wesley azz! The girl from Repo Man stars! More boobs in one movie than I’ve seen in a long time. He joins a sick Metal Band! WATCH THIS SHITTTT!!!!!

RIP Tiger

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , on March 28, 2011 by metalcharlie

A Boy and His Dog (1975):

Long ago, before Street Thunder had even begun their slow, hellish crawl across the streets of this nation toward the goals of total domination, I remember Max telling me about how this was one of his favorite movies. And it’s pretty crazy. Basically Don Johnson walks around post-World War IV Phoenix, which in real life is some dry lake bed just outside of Barstow, right near the “designated rattlesnake habitat” . Apparently in the post-apocalyptic nuclear future that takes hold after the 5-day WW IV, dogs can not only telepathically talk to certain humans but can telepathically sense things as well, which is indicated by some classic beeping and bending sound effects. The real value though, of Don’s sidekick Blood (the real life Tiger, whose death is the greatest tragedy in this revue) is that he can sense females, and in post-apocalyptic (and rapey) Phoenix the only real pastime seems to be finding ladies. Some things never change. Good ol’ Don has a change of heart about one particular broad though, and as a result he ends up following her “down under” to the underground town of Topeka, and this is when shit gets really crazy. From the sound of things, the Harlan Ellison novella is a better product than the movie, although I must admit I haven’t read it yet. The real question through all of this though, is why the film is one of Max’s favorites (apart from being a next-level movie of course). He can probably enlighten us himself, but I think that the reasons are two fold: one being that Don Johnson looks a little like Max in this movie, and the other being that it was filmed in such relative proximity to his favorite place in America. A taste of the action:

Picture 9
Post-apocalyptic Arizona saw a resurgence of Medieval Minstrel Styles.

Picture 13

Picture 15
technotrip (technology, not music)

Picture 16
This is where the whole game changes.

Picture 18
Topeka hasn’t changed much

Picture 20
A post-cannibalism jaunt into the sunset. Towards Needles, no doubt.